Acne Treatment Specialist Katy TX. How To Remove Acne

Acne is a common skin condition that affects an estimated 85% of people at one point in their lives.

Symptoms include pesky pimples that can be a hassle and hard to eliminate.

Conventional treatments can be employed to get rid of pimples. However, they often have side effects like dryness and irritation to the skin.

Many people today opt for natural remedies to quickly eliminate pimples. There are many remedies for acne that are natural, however only a few have been scientifically proven to work.

What causes pimples?

It is essential to understand the cause of each skin condition before we can treat it effectively. Let's take a look at the basics of pimples.

What are Pimples? Pimples are pores that become clogged with dead skin cells as well as oil (called sebum) from nearby glands. The tiny red bumps, we call pimples, can develop when pores are blocked. Blackheads, blocked pores, and whiteheads can develop. They may develop into pustules that are inflamed or hardening cysts.

What causes pimples? Many factors contribute to pimples and they tend to be caused by hormonal changes within our bodies. For women the puberty process (and for males, puberty) can trigger excessive oil to be produced and/or too few skin cells to be shed. It is important to remember our monthly periods! Combining these changes with the month-long period, normal skin bacteria go into overdrive within the pores when the first pimples begin to appear. This bacteria glut irritates skin and makes pimples worse.

Some potential treatments include:

  • Make sure you use a body wash with benzoylperoxide. The American Academy of Dermatology suggests applying the body wash to the chest or back for between 2 and 5 minutes before washing. You can apply a 5.3 percent solution for those with sensitive skin. People with oily skin may use as much as 10% of the solution.

  • Applying a 0.1 percent adapalene gel on any skin lesion areas. A person can purchase more info this gel at a pharmacy. The gel is also able to be applied using handheld devices if the person is unable to reach behind.

  • Wear a new outfit as soon as you get home from exercising to reduce sweat and oil accumulation. A cleansing wipe or flannel is a good option.

  • Refraining from scratching or picking pimples. Picking at pimples could cause them to get worse and increase the risk of more severe symptoms.

  • Make sure to use sunscreens that are oil-free when outdoors in the sun. Manufacturers may label these products as non-comedogenic. They can stop the build-up of oil under the skin.

  • Avoid using oils- and fragrances-laden lotions on skin that is prone to breakouts. This can help decrease the risk of getting acne.

These are just a few of the things you should be aware of when you consult an acne specialist. They will take the time to look at your diet as well as your medications and skin to help determine if there is an all-encompassing treatment for your acne problem.

Anita's Skin Care Clinic is Katy TX and will help you deal with acne issues.

Did you know there are fake acne smears? You can read about them here:

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